
Accept Crypto Payments in 1 Day.

No Redirects, No Code.

Embed a secure, white-label crypto checkout on your site. Your users never leave your platform – payments stay seamless and fast.

How does it works?


Seamless Crypto Payments in 5 minutes!

  1. Create Your Transaction
    • Log in to your Web3Embed dashboard and add new transaction.
    • Specify price, currency, custom id and how we should notify you on a payment.
    • Instantly receive a unique transaction-id.
  2. Embed Your Checkout
    • Add script tag to head section
      <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/web3embed/web3checkout-js/main.js"></script>
    • Embed the Widget
      <web3-checkout transaction-id="YOUR_UNIQUE_ID"></web3-checkout>
Your crypto payments are ready!

✅ Funds arrive directly to your wallet
✅ Real-time payment notifications via webhooks/email
✅ Anti-Chargeback Shield - All transactions are final


Checkout in 60 Seconds - No Redirects, No Hassle

  1. Click & Connect your metamask wallet
  2. Verify & Confirm
    • See exact crypto amount with USD equivalent
    • Review recipient address (always visible for transparency)
    • Sign transaction directly in your wallet
That's all!

🔒 Self-Custody Philosophy - We never hold your funds
🌍 Borderless Payments - Works globally without KYC

Try it yourself!

Use sepolia testnet...

or tip real ETH!

Psst... every tip is saved and will be calculated as discount when Web3Checkout will be released!